Let's build the future together


Made for You

React JS / Ruby / Rails / PostgreSQL / Material UI


Homemade gifts has become more and more popular in recent times. However, coming up with and making a homemade gift may sound like a daunting task, so this is an app that allows members to view and share homemade gift ideas.

This application is developed as my capstone project for the final phase of Flatiron School's Software Engineering progmra. I developed it with a React frontend and react page navigation following RESTful conventions. I used PostgreSQL for the database, implemented the MVC pattern using Ruby on Rails, and deployed the app on Render. For user authentication I used BCrypt to securely hash and salt user passwords. Finally, I used Material UI to design and develop a sleek and userfirendly interface.

To login, enter username: martha@email.com and password: martha

Have a look at my other projects